Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3/9/10 Assignment

The pear tree symbolizes Janie's voice through out the novel. Janie confuses happiness with romance. We the reader will not be going to discover her voice through marriage.

In the third chapter, it explains what has happened right after Nanny and Janie had the talk about love and marriage. Janie has married Logan and they are now living together. Janie eventually talks to Nanny and talks to her about her feelings about Logan. She tells Nanny that she is unhappy and that she does not love Logan. Nanny wishes she had comforting words for her, but instead she just said to suck it up and deal with it. When the conversation is over, Nanny askes God to watch over Janie. Nanny dies a month later. In the end of the chapter, Janie realizes that she is now alone, and finally a woman.